Reference Guide By Chris Morgan (First Published December 2019, with Latest Update September 2024)
Simply scroll down for the product type you are looking for in the following sections.
- Who are Unsusual Risks?
- Supporting Worthy Causes
- Key Life Insurance Statistics
- Life Insurance & Life Assurance (Guaranteed)
- Mortgage Life Insurance (Guaranteed)
- Whole of Life Assurance (Guaranteed)
- Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover
- Other Types of Insurance (Travel Insurance, Home Insurance, Pet Insurance, Car Insurance, Wedding Insurance)
Section 1 – Who are Unusual Risks?
Unusual Risks are the UK’s leading HIV Life Assurance, HIV Income Protection and HIV Critical Illness advisers.
Our Lead Financial Adviser Chris Morgan has been campaigning and consulting with the insurance industry on behalf of the HIV communities for over two decades. His work during the last decade contributed largely to equal rights on Life Assurance for gay men and women and the introduction of Life Assurance for People Living With HIV.
Chris was part of the Working Group that researched and designed Life Insurance products for the HIV Community. Most recently he been campaigning for insurers to introduce Income Protection for people living with HIV.
He is the co-author of the HIV and Life Insurance guidelines issued by the Association of British Insurers, which govern the way in which HIV Positive people are treated by Insurance Companies. He is also co-author of the HIV Life Insurance Consumer Guide that is used in the market currently.
Chris has always maintained that people living with HIV should be treated exactly the same as any other Life Assurance or Mortgage applicant. Which is reflected in this comprehensive reference guide.
Section 2 – Supporting Worthy Causes
Unusual Risks have a long history of supporting worthy causes through donations, free resources and free training Workshops for HIV Charities, Advocacy Groups and Patient Groups. We take great pride in our commitment to the development of strong community relationships, through our ongoing educational program.
Over this last four years we have been supporting HIV Organisations and HIV Professionals across UK towns and cities with our HIV & Finance Workshops. We have so far visited Belfast, Birmingham, Blackpool, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Leeds, London, Manchester and Nottingham on our tour.
In 2021 we will once again be touring, this time with our all new HIV & Insurance Workshops – watch our News Blog and Facebook pages for how to access the free tickets for professionals, support workers, nurses, peer mentors and service users – all are welcome to attend and learn about financial products and how to secure their financial future.
We are committed to producing useful information and resources and are committed to continuing to publish the Unusual Risks News Bulletin and Positive Finance Column periodically. These long term commitment were made to to the HIV community, when magazines like Baseline and Positive Nation ceased publication.
Section 3 – Key Life Insurance Statistics
Taken from the latest Unusual Risks Research – June 2020
If you are Living With HIV and are looking for Life Insurance Cover we can help, even if you have been declined for cover elsewhere.
Section 4 – Life Insurance & Life Assurance (Guaranteed) – This Product Is Available For People Living With HIV.
Commonly also known as Life Cover, Term Assurance or Decreasing Term Assurance this type of Insurance policy pays out a lump sum, upon death of a policyholder within the term of the policy.
When the policy pays out the sum assured the policy is normally finished. This type of policy can be used to protect your Children, Family, Business Loans or an outstanding Mortgage.
This type of policy is “inclusive” and does not have any exclusions for HIV. We are able to recommend Guaranteed and Inclusive Life Insurance for people living with HIV.
Unusual Risks are able to help you find the best Life Insurance available, even if you have been declined elsewhere. Contact us via email
Section 5 – Mortgage Life Insurance Cover (Guaranteed) – This Product Is Available For People Living With HIV.
Mortgage Life Insurance is available to People Living With HIV and can be taken in the form of either Decreasing or Level Term Assurance. This type of Life Insurance is also commonly also known as Mortgage Protection Life Insurance.
Mortgage Life Insurance Insurance pays out a lump sum, upon death of a policyholder. When the policy pays out the sum assured the policy is normally finished. This type of policy can be used to protect your outstanding Business or Residential Mortgage.
This type of policy is “Inclusive” and does not have any exclusions for HIV. We are able to recommend Guaranteed and Inclusive Life Insurance for people living with HIV.
We are aware that some people may be concerned about approaching their Bank, Building Society or Mainstream Financial Adviser about taking a mortgage in fear of being turned down for a mortgage.
If you need specialist advice regarding this issue you are welcome to contact us for assistance. We meet many people who feel pressured by their Mortgage lender take to out Insurance and do not wish to disclose their HIV status.
Unusual Risks are able to help you find the best Mortgage Life Insurance policy available, even if you have been declined elsewhere. . Contact us via email
Section 6 – Whole of Life Assurance (Guaranteed) – Currently Available to People Living With HIV over 50 years of age only.
This type of Life Insurance policy pays out a lump sum, upon death of a policyholder, but is different to Term Assurance, as the policy runs through to the point that it is needed.
When the policy pays out the sum assured, the policy is normally finished. This type of policy can be used to protect Ffamily or is commonly used to pay for inheritance tax or funeral costs.
This type of policy is “Inclusive” and does not have any exclusions for HIV. We are able to recommend Guaranteed and Inclusive Life Insurance for people living with HIV.
Unusual Risks are able to help you find the best Life Insurance available, even if you have been declined elsewhere. contact us via email
Section 7 – HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover
Long Term Illness Cover is something that I have been campaigning for over the last 15 years and finally we are able to offer Income Protection cover to people living with HIV. This is valuable insurance for protecting both a persons personal income or mortgage payments.
We meet people every week that have been declined for either Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover by the main insurance providers, banks and building societies. We do have the most up to date research and advice for HIV Positive people who are seeking Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover.
Those most likely to be accepted for Income Protection cover are people with HIV that do not have any other significant medical conditions, or those with only minor controlled pre-existing conditions for example asthma, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
The criteria for approval is currently extremely strict, but we do feel a duty of care to offer quotations to those who may qualify. We maintain that this product was deliverable over 10 years ago, but it is only now that it is becoming available in limited quantities in the market.
If you think you qualify for the new products and would like to find out more about HIV Income Protection, or general advice about Critical Illness Cover please email us at
Section 8 – Other Types of Insurance – (Such Travel Insurance, Home Insurance, Pet Insurance, Car Insurance, Wedding Insurance)
You may feel concerned that your HIV Status may prevent you from obtaining a number of general insurances that protect your family and home. With the exception of Travel Insurance, all mentioned in this section should be obtainable without any medical questions about HIV.
Travel Insurance has become fairly accessible for People Living With HIV in recent years and there are many insurers that offer cover to those who are stable on medication. Unusual Risks do not offer Travel Insurance as this product is so widely available in the market place.
If you require more information on HIV Life Assurance & HIV Life Insurance or Mortgage Life Insurance or Mortgage Protection Life Insurance please contact Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075, or by email at and on the Website: News Blog: