“Celebrating 25 years in 2025 – Part 1″ – The History” – Chris Morgan
In 2025 I’m celebrating advising people living with HIV on financial issues for 25 years. Initially this was through my first resident column in AXM Magazine the gay men’s health magazine in the year 2000, which featured many finance issues for people living with HIV.
Since then many people will have seen my HIV financial columns in publications such as Pink Paper, Gay Times, Attitude Magazine, Positive Nation & Baseline Magazine. These magazines along with national press such as the Guardian and Independent all contributed to the campaign to secure Life Insurance for those living with HIV.
Long Term Life Insurance
I was at the centre of the campaign for equality for Life Insurance and in 2009 the first Life Insurance products came to market. When they were first launched they were only for 10, 15 or 20 years, so it is very apt that towards the end of 2024 “Longer Term” policies started to become available for terms of 30 years or longer for people living with HIV.
Even today only 37% of HIV Positive people have some form of Life Insurance for their families, business or mortgage and I believe the main reason for this is that there have been many applicants that have been declined by the insurance industry since 2009.
We are absolute specialists in finding life insurance for HIV positive clients. If you have been declined for Life Insurance without any reasonable explanation then contact us.
Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover
Fast forward to 2025 and we are delighted to announce that after a second decade long campaign, we are now assessing HIV Positive clients for Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover. We are actively quoting eligible clients for policies to protect their income and mortgages – which we are extremely proud to have achieved.
Back in 2015 we ran surveys with the readers of Baseline Magazine which asked whether they would consider taking out Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover. The result was that to our surprise 90% said yes, they would consider taking out these policies out if they were available to them. Previously in 2013 this figure had been just 61%.
See an article from Cover Magazine dated March 2015 documenting our “IPP & CIC” campaign by clicking here …
For the first time in 25 years, we have a full range of HIV Inclusive protection products, without HIV exclusions available through Unusual Risks.
If you have been declined for Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover then contact us.
Who are Unusual Risks?
We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance , HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty five years.
He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.
Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.
He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover.
Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazine and Pink Paper.
For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075. Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk