25 Years in 2025 – HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover & HIV Life Insurance – Part 2 – February 2025

“Celebrating 25 years in 2025 – Part 2” – New Products – Chris Morgan

In 2025 I’m celebrating advising people living with HIV on financial issues for 25 years. Initially this was through my first resident column in AXM Magazine the gay men’s health magazine in year 2000, which featured many advice issues for people living with HIV.

Since then many people will have seen my HIV financial columns in publications such as Pink Paper, Gay Times, Attitude Magazine, Positive Nation & Baseline Magazine. These magazines along with national press all contributed to the campaign to secure Life Insurance for those with HIV.

Long Term Life Insurance

Although it was a big breakthrough in 2009 for Life Insurance to become possible for people with HIV it was still frustrating for policies to be limited to 10, 15 and 20 year terms. It has been only recently that longer term Life Insurance for 30 years and longer has become possible for HIV Positive applicants.

We are in fact arranging Life Insurance for longer than 30 years, dependent on the individual circumstance. Currently only 37% of people living with HIV have some form of Life Insurance, which is a direct result of the number of Life Insurance applications declined by insurers over the last 15 years.

We estimate that 50% of applicants have at sometime been declined Life Insurance from companies without any reasonable explanation.

If you have been declined for Life Insurance then be sure to contact us.

Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover

In 2015 Unusual Risks started a campaign for people living with HIV to be able to get Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover. It has taken a decade for companies to begin accepting applications, but finally we are proud to announce that these products are available to the HIV Community.

It has take until 2025 for Insurance Companies to realise that people living with HIV can be insurable for Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover, even though our survey through Baseline in 2015 proved that HIV Positive people took less time off work sick, than people who were not HIV positive.

We established that 89% of people living with HIV had taken less than seven days off work sick in a year and 74% had taken less than four days off work sick.

See a article from Actuary Magazine dated March 2015 documenting our IPP & CIC campaign by clicking here …


For the first time in 25 years, a full range of HIV Inclusive protection products, without exclusions is now available through Unusual Risks

If you have been declined for Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover then contact us.

Who are Unusual Risks?

We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance , HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty five years.

He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.

Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.

He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover.

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk

Posted in Critical Illness Cover, HIV Finance, HIV Income Protection, HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, Income Protection, Uncategorized, Unusual Risks | Comments closed

“Talking HIV” – HIV & Insurance Workshop – George House Trust

Celebrating 25 years in 2025 with Chris Morgan

Financial Adviser, Chris Morgan of Unusual Risks is celebrating advising HIV positive clients in various forms for “25 years in 2025”, with a series of HIV & Insurance Workshops. The first of which will be “Talking HIV” with George House Trust on Saturday 1st March.

His first advice column appeared in the gay men’s health magazine AXM in year 2000 and featured many advice issues for people living with HIV. He has since also written HIV financial columns for publications such as Pink Paper, Gay Times, Attitude Magazine, Positive Nation & Baseline Magazine.

In 2025 Chris will be hosting a series of “HIV & Insurance” online workshops featuring the new financial opportunities now available for HIV positive people. The HIV & Insurance Workshops return in 2025 with valuable information about the availability of Life Insurance, Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover for people living with HIV.

HIV & Insurance – Workshop Agenda

Introduction “25 in 2025”
HIV Life Insurance
Co – Risk Life Insurance
HIV Income Protection
HIV Critical Illness Cover
IPP V CIC? – Which is best?
Declined For Cover?
Questions & Answers

We are very proud to announce the first of these online workshops will be in collaboration with George House Trust on Saturday 1st of March from 1pm to 3pm

To book your place and to receive your invite for this free online workshop visit George House Trust events calender https://ght.org.uk/events/3105

Posted in HIV Critical Illness Cover, HIV Finance, HIV Income Protection, HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, Income Protection, Uncategorized, Unusual Risks | Comments closed

25 Years in 2025 – HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover & HIV Life Insurance – Part 1 – January 2025

“Celebrating 25 years in 2025 – Part 1″ – The History” – Chris Morgan

In 2025 I’m celebrating advising people living with HIV on financial issues for 25 years. Initially this was through my first resident column in AXM Magazine the gay men’s health magazine in the year 2000, which featured many finance issues for people living with HIV.

Since then many people will have seen my HIV financial columns in publications such as Pink Paper, Gay Times, Attitude Magazine, Positive Nation & Baseline Magazine. These magazines along with national press such as the Guardian and Independent all contributed to the campaign to secure Life Insurance for those living with HIV.

Long Term Life Insurance

I was at the centre of the campaign for equality for Life Insurance and in 2009 the first Life Insurance products came to market. When they were first launched they were only for 10, 15 or 20 years, so it is very apt that towards the end of 2024 “Longer Term” policies started to become available for terms of 30 years or longer for people living with HIV.

Even today only 37% of HIV Positive people have some form of Life Insurance for their families, business or mortgage and I believe the main reason for this is that there have been many applicants that have been declined by the insurance industry since 2009.

We are absolute specialists in finding life insurance for HIV positive clients. If you have been declined for Life Insurance without any reasonable explanation then contact us.

Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover

Fast forward to 2025 and we are delighted to announce that after a second decade long campaign, we are now assessing HIV Positive clients for Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover. We are actively quoting eligible clients for policies to protect their income and mortgages – which we are extremely proud to have achieved.

Back in 2015 we ran surveys with the readers of Baseline Magazine which asked whether they would consider taking out Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover. The result was that to our surprise 90% said yes, they would consider taking out these policies out if they were available to them. Previously in 2013 this figure had been just 61%.

See an article from Cover Magazine dated March 2015 documenting our “IPP & CIC” campaign by clicking here


For the first time in 25 years, we have a full range of HIV Inclusive protection products, without HIV exclusions available through Unusual Risks.

If you have been declined for Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover then contact us.

Who are Unusual Risks?

We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance , HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty five years.

He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.

Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.

He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover.

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk

Posted in Critical Illness Cover, HIV Income Protection, Income Protection, Unusual Risks | Comments closed

HIV Life Insurance, HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover – Part 4 – December 2024

How to protect your confidentiality when taking out Life Insurance? By Chris Morgan

Over the last 25 years whilst advising Insurance clients living with HIV, one of the most asked questions has been about protecting their confidentiality. Many people approach me with concerns about making disclosures whilst taking out Life Insurance through their bank, building society or financial adviser?

Many are also concerned about their GP finding out about their HIV status, as sometimes HIV clients have elected not to disclose this to their General Practitioner. Many Life Insurance companies go directly to GP’s for medical information and therefore extreme care needs to be taken when selecting an insurer.

We only recommend Life Insurance Companies that are co-operative in protecting our clients confidentiality around HIV to avoid any inadvertent disclosures. This is one of the areas that we work very closely with insurers as we are specialists at looking after HIV Positive clients.

HIV Life Insurance & HIV Life Assurance

In this latest four part series we have highlighted the most up to date key issues facing people living with HIV, when taking out life insurance products. Longer Term Life Insurance is now finally available, with applicants no longer restricted to just 10,15 or 20 years at outset.

This means that people who have only limited terms left on their cover should now be looking to review their policies and extend their policies. New applicants will be able to take out cover to protect the full term of their mortgage and families over longer periods of time now.

If you have been declined for Life Insurance cover elsewhere, we are absolute specialists at helping people to find cover. Sometimes people are not informed of the reason they are declined and we are able to help them understand the reasons they have been declined and overcome any obstacles.

Income Protection Verses Critical Illness Cover

Long Term Illness Cover is something that I have been campaigning for over the last 15 years and finally we are able to offer Long Term Illness cover to people living with HIV. This is a valuable insurance for protecting both a persons personal income or mortgage payments.

We are meeting lots of people who have been declined for Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover by their banks, building societies and financial advisers. These products have been unavailable previously for decades, but we now have extensive research and advice available on Long Term Illness Cover.

We maintain that the first rule of financial planning is to protect yourself against the financial effects of Long Term Illness. This opportunity has been denied to people living with HIV for decades – finally we are able to offer some form of cover to applicants within the HIV Community.


We are currently assessing applicants for the Long Term Illness new products available and are writing policies for those that meet the insurers criteria. We maintain that this product was deliverable over 10 years ago, but it is only now that it is has become available for some applicants.

If you think you qualify for the new products and would like to find out more about HIV Income Protection, or general advice about Critical Illness Cover please email us at enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk

Who are Unusual Risks?

We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance , HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty five years.

He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.

Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.

He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover.

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk

Posted in Critical Illness Cover, HIV Finance, HIV Income Protection, HIV Life Assurance, Income Protection, Uncategorized | Comments closed

HIV Life Insurance, HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover – Part 3 – October 2024

How do you know you are being offered the best Insurance products for your requirements? By Chris Morgan

There are a number of ways you can gauge which is the best Insurance policy for your needs? The premium and cost of the Insurance is obviously a key part of the criteria when selecting cover. Alongside deciding which features and benefits are best for you including Life Insurance and cover for Long Term Illness.

I’m asked on a regular basis by people living with HIV about the availability of Life Insurance, Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover and which products are the best suited to their needs and requirements? There are now far more options than ever before offered by the Life Insurance Companies.

I’ve been advising HIV positive clients on their financial needs for 25 years. There is no financial adviser in the UK with more knowledge and experience at advising people living with HIV about Life Insurance, Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover and which are suitable for their needs.

HIV Life Insurance & HIV Life Assurance

Longer term life insurance is finally available! Recently there has been another major change in HIV Life Insurance & HIV Life Assurance products available, with products now offered with longer terms. The policies offered since the launch of HIV Life Insurance in 2009 have all been 10, 15 and 20 year policies.

We are now able to offer HIV Positive clients for the full term of their mortgage, or for even longer periods of time to protect their families if necessary. Many Insurers still have a maximum term of 20 years, which can be quite limiting – but we are able offer policies with longer terms.

We campaigned with insurers for over 15 years to get longer terms for clients, so we are best placed to advise you on which insurers are best suitable for your needs – even if you have been declined elsewhere for cover be sure to contact us because we are likely to be able to still assist you.

Income Protection Verses Critical Illness Cover

Comparing Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover products is like comparing apples with oranges …

Long Term Illness Cover for people with HIV is something that I have been campaigning for over the last 15 years and finally we are able to offer long term illness cover to some people living with HIV. This is valuable insurance for protecting both a persons personal income or mortgage payments.

What is most important is that the Long Term Illness Cover you are offered does not have any exclusions for HIV, whether this be HIV Income Protection or HIV Critical Illness Cover – you should only take cover that provides full comprehensive cover and does not have any exclusions.

We have all the latest advice and research on Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover.


We are currently assessing applicants for the Long Term Illness new products available and are writing policies for those that meet the insurers criteria. We maintain that this product was deliverable over 10 years ago, but it is only now that it is has become available for some applicants.

If you think you qualify for the new products and would like to find out more about HIV Income Protection, or general advice about Critical Illness Cover please email us at enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk

Who are Unusual Risks?

We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance , HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty five years.

He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.

Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.

He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover.

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk

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Unusual Risks Research – ‘Average Sum Assured of HIV Life Insurance Increases’ …

Unusual Risks, the Specialist Life Insurance Advisers to the HIV Community, are today announcing the results of their latest survey. Currently the Average Sum Assured is £257,963, which shows that people with HIV are protecting their families, mortgages, properties and businesses for amounts greater than before.

The reason this research is significant is that this figure has steadily been increasing over the last decade, prior to the pandemic the average figure in 2019 had been £223,372, 227,223 in 2021 and £235,336 in 2022. However, in an earlier survey this year it was shown that only 37% of HIV people have taken out life insurance.

Speaking about the Accessibility of HIV Life Insurance, Chris Morgan, Lead Financial Adviser of Unusual Risks said …

“We have seen many changes in the accessibility of Life Insurance over the last two years for HIV Positive people. The product terms available have improved considerably with lower premiums and longer terms available for most people living with HIV. This has led to people taking higher amounts of life insurance”.

Chris Continued …

“We have also noticed that those that have been declined for cover in the past are much more likely to be able to get cover. There have also been great improvements for those with HIV who have multiple medical conditions such as Hepatitis, Diabetes, Syphilis and Tuberculosis”.

Unusual Risks are experts at advising those who have been declined for cover elsewhere by banks, building societies, mortgage lenders and financial advisers. Even if you have been declined before, we are able to guarantee you some form of life Insurance.

About Us

Chris Morgan and Unusual Risks have campaigned on behalf of the HIV Community for over two decades, firstly for the introduction of HIV Life Assurance, followed by the lengthening of policy terms and then, most recently, the reduction of monthly premiums and introduction of Co-Risk Life insurance for those with multiple medical conditions.

Unusual Risks are very proud to have played the lead role in improving the accessibility of financial products for people with HIV over the last fifteen years and will continue to work on behalf of the community to secure better products. They are now able to guarantee all people living with HIV between the ages of 18 and 64, access to some form of Life Insurance.

After fifteen years of campaigning, we are now offering Longer Term Life Insurance policies and are also advising people living with HIV on protection against Long Term Illness. This is especially useful for those who are seeking Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover – contact us for our latest advice and research.

If you require more information on HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance or HIV Mortgages please contact Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075, or by email at enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk and on the web www.unusualrisks.co.uk


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HIV Life Insurance, HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover – Part 2 – October 2024

How Do You Know If Your Insurance Policy Is Fully Inclusive For HIV? By Chris Morgan

One of the issues that I’ve insisted on “no compromise” from the insurance industry is the inclusivity of HIV within Life Insurance and Long Term Illness Cover, over the last 25 years. The insurance industry have spent years excluding people with HIV from taking Life Insurance & Long Term Illness Cover.

Simply if Life Insurance, Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover products exclude HIV, then I’ve have not recommended the product. There have been been several poor attempts at covering people with HIV, particularly for those looking for Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover.

If you are unsure of the quality or suitability of the HIV Life Insurance, HIV Income Protection or HIV Critical Illness Cover you are being offered, then speak to an expert. If you have been declined for any of these products then seek advice and assess your options fully.

Chris Morgan is the UK’s leading expert on HIV Life Insurance & HIV Long Term Illness Cover.

HIV Life Insurance & HIV Life Assurance

The most up to date Life Insurance plans for people living with HIV offer cover over longer periods of time, over the last 15 year most of the plans that have been offered by Life Insurance Companies have been for only 10,15 or 20 years.

With many current policy holders only having 15 years remaining on their policies, Life Insurance Companies are now offering longer term Life Insurance to applicants, to find out how long you can achieve cover for speak to us about your requirements.

We believe that your life insurance should give long term protection for your mortgage and family.

Income Protection Verses Critical Illness Cover?

The first rule within financial planning is to protect yourself financially against Long Term Illness.

Long Term Illness Cover is something that I have been campaigning for over the last 15 years and finally we are able to offer Long Term Illness cover to people living with HIV. This is valuable insurance for protecting both a persons personal income or mortgage payments.

What is most important is that the Long Term Illness Cover you are offered does not have any exclusions for HIV, whether this be HIV Income Protection or HIV Critical Illness Cover – you should only take cover that provides full comprehensive cover and does not have any exclusions.


We are currently assessing applicants for the Long Term Illness new products available and are writing policies for those that meet the insurers criteria. We maintain that this product was deliverable over 10 years ago, but it is only now that it is has become available for some applicants.

If you think you qualify for the new products and would like to find out more about HIV Income Protection, or general advice about Critical Illness Cover please email us at enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk

Who are Unusual Risks?

We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance , HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty five years.

He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.

Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.

He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover. He is now able to offer Income Protection for people living with HIV.

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk 

Posted in Critical Illness Cover, HIV Critical Illness Cover, HIV Finance, HIV Income Protection, HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, Income Protection, Uncategorized, Unusual Risks | Comments closed

HIV Life Insurance, HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover – Part 1 – September 2024

Is there such a thing as a HIV Friendly Insurance Company? By Chris Morgan

Having advised clients living with HIV for over 25 years, this is a question I have returned to on many occasions, since HIV Life Insurance was launched in 2009. For the record I led the campaign to get Life Insurance products for HIV Positive people and I’m still campaigning today on all of the relevant issues.

My product research list very much tells a story of HIV “friendly” and HIV “Unfriendly” insurers. I have all of the main insurance groups ranked based upon premiums, service standard, underwriting outcomes and any practices that are particularly “unfriendly” towards people living with HIV.

Over this four part series of articles I will raise the key issues still facing people living with HIV when applying for Long Term Illness Cover. I am the UK’s most experienced and knowledgeable financial adviser looking after HIV Positive clients in the UK and these articles will highlight all of the current key issues that cross my desk.

HIV Life Insurance & HIV Life Assurance

I meet many HIV positive clients that are declined for cover by Life Insurers every week, normally without any reasonable explanation. Up to 50% of applications in the general life insurance market are declined for people living with HIV, we are here to help anyone that has been turned away by a life insurance company.

Since the launch of HIV Life Insurance in 2009 I’ve been campaigning on behalf of the HIV Community for better terms on policies. Previously terms had been limited to just 10, 15 or 20 years, which left many policy holders asking when would they be able to secure longer term cover?

Many existing policy holders now only have 5, 10 or 15 year terms remaining on their existing policies and many companies are still only offering 20 years as their maximum term. Do not settle for a short term policy, we can now arrange longer term Life Insurance for people living with HIV.

Income Protection & Critical Illness Cover

Long Term Illness Cover is something that I have been campaigning for over the last 15 years and finally we are able to offer Long Term Illness cover to people living with HIV. This is valuable insurance for protecting both a persons personal income or mortgage payments.

We meet people every week that have been declined for either Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover by the main insurance providers, banks and building societies. We do have the most up to date research and advice for HIV Positive people who are seeking Income Protection or Critical Illness Cover.


We are currently assessing applicants for the Long Term Illness new products available and are writing policies for those that meet the insurers criteria. We maintain that this product was deliverable over 10 years ago, but it is only now that it is has become available for some applicants.

If you think you qualify for the new products and would like to find out more about HIV Income Protection, or general advice about Critical Illness Cover please email us at enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk

Who are Unusual Risks?

We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance , HIV Income Protection & HIV Critical Illness Cover. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty five years.

He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.

Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.

He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover.

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk 

Posted in Critical Illness Cover, HIV Critical Illness Cover, HIV Income Protection, HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, Income Protection, Unusual Risks | Comments closed

HIV Life Insurance & HIV Income Protection Column – Edition 2

What are the options available for HIV positive people for Income Protection?

We have recently published the fact that only 37% of people living with HIV currently have Life Insurance. This is because of limited availability of products from providers. If you have been declined for Life Insurance, then we may be able to assist you in finding Life Insurance cover.

Are you aware that people living with HIV are now able to apply for a Life Insurance term of 30 years through Unusual Risks?

Also we have recently completed our first HIV Income Protection application, with a new provider who are offering this type of cover – with no HIV exclusion.

Income Protection – Limited Availability

Income Protection offers Insurance cover should you not be able to work due to long term illness.

People have been asking us for HIV Income Protection for the last 15 years and we have been campaigning all this time to secure inclusive cover. This means that the policy offered should not have any specific exclusions for HIV. The new product that has recently been launched meets that key objective.


We are currently assessing applicants for the Long Term Illness new products available and are writing policies for those that meet the insurers criteria. We maintain that this product was deliverable over 10 years ago, but it is only now that it is has become available for some applicants.

If you think you qualify for the new products and would like to find out more about HIV Income Protection, or general advice about Critical Illness Cover please email us at enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk

Who are Unusual Risks?

We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance and HIV Life Assurance. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty four years.

He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.

Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.

He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover.

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk 

Posted in HIV Finance, HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance, Income Protection, Uncategorized, Unusual Risks | Comments closed

HIV Life Insurance & HIV Income Protection Column – Edition 1

What are the options available for HIV positive people for Life Insurance?

Following our latest news release reporting that only 37% of people living with HIV have Life Insurance, we look at at the reasons why this is the case, plus also how Unusual Risks may be of assistance to those seeking Life Insurance Cover & Income Protection. (See Edition 2 for details of Income Protection)

Are you aware that people living with HIV are now able to apply for a Life Insurance term of 30 years through Unusual Risks?

What are the reasons that people are DECLINED FOR HIV LIFE INSURANCE?

Every week we meet many people living with HIV who have been declined for Life Insurance elsewhere. This can be through their high street bank, mainstream financial adviser or directly through a life insurance company – mostly this is without any reasonable explanation.

HIV Life Insurance is Difficult to obtain – 50% of applicants are Declined

The reason that only 37% of people living with HIV currently have some form life insurance is that the decline rate for applications is running at around 50% through the banks, financial advisers and insurance companies. This has been the case since the beginning of lockdown in 2020.

Limited Product AvailabilityNot All Providers Offer Cover

Recently Life Insurance Companies have been limiting the amount of Life Insurance they underwrite and this has led to limited availability of life insurance for people living with HIV. We have been working very hard with re-insurers to resolve this issue and we do have providers willing to help.

Aviva v AIG MergerLess Providers Offering Cover

The recent merger of Aviva Life Insurance and AIG Life Insurance means an insurer who was writing significant amounts of HIV Life Insurance through major banks has now been removed. Aviva are very much the senior partner in this merger and their underwriting will take preference over AIG’s.

Multiple Medical Condition – Positive News

On a positive note, we are very proud that after 15 years of campaigning, we are making significant progress in writing life insurance for people living with HIV who have other pre-existing medical conditions such as Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C, Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Syphilis and Mental Health.

High Success Rate Finding HIV Life Insurance

We have a very high success rate of finding Life Insurance for people living with HIV, even if they have been declined elsewhere. In fact we guarantee that we are able to find some form of Life Insurance for anyone aged between 18 and 64 years of age.

Life Insurance Cover – Guaranteed acceptance

Should an applicant not qualify for mainstream life insurance due to their pre-existing medical conditions, we are able to access a product without any medical evidence. The insurer involved provides Life Insurance for people between the ages of 18 and 64 with guaranteed acceptance.

Who are Unusual Risks?

We are the UK’s leading specialists at placing HIV Life Insurance and HIV Life Assurance. Chris Morgan, our lead financial adviser, led a decade long campaign to secure Life Insurance for the HIV Community and has been advising the HIV Community for over twenty four years.

He was responsible for the removal of the “Gay Question” from Life Insurance policies in 2005 and was part of the working group that designed and introduced HIV life Insurance products in 2009. More recently, in 2017, Chris has co-written the Industry best practice and consumer guide.

Currently Chris is campaigning for equality with regards to Life Insurance, Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover for the HIV Community. He is a well known advocate, activist and campaigner on Insurance issues, who undertakes regular speaking engagements on HIV Insurance issues.

He has recently succeeded in securing Co-Risk Life Insurance products for the HIV Community, which means that people who have been declined for cover for over two decades can now apply for Life Insurance Cover.

Chris Morgan is a fully qualified Financial Adviser and has been writing on HIV Insurance and HIV Finance issues for over 24 years. His column has previously been resident for publications such as Baseline Magazinand Pink Paper.

For more information about HIV & Hepatitis Insurance and Finance matters he may be contacted at Unusual Risks Mortgage & Insurance Services by phone 0845 474 3075.  Email: Enquiries@unusualrisks.co.uk Web: www.unusualrisks.co.uk 

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